a day in my life
Are you comfortable?
I rarely am. Don’t get me wrong. My body feels great. I have more energy and vibrancy now than I did when I was 30, but I always strive to be uncomfortable. Comfort is the absolute enemy of progress and growth. If I am comfortable, I am just bobbing along, letting life happen to me…
Read MoreResolutions? Really?
Happy New Year! With a little strategic planning, some good old-fashioned elbow grease, and a generous dose of love, 2016 stands a chance at being an excellent year. Long, long ago, in a galaxy far, far away I decided to dislike and not participate in the insanity of New Year’s Resolutions. Once I left home…
Read MoreLeap of Faith
Many of my clients know that I have a religious/spiritual side that I lean on quite heavily. I’m not going to get preachy here. Suffice it to say it is said that God helps those who help themselves. My hubby, who is old enough to retire (boggles my mind that I’m married to a grandpa!)…
Read MoreBreastfeeding – Attached for 11 Years!
As a teenager I had no idea that some women are unable to breastfeed successfully. All seven of our children were breastfed. I had known since I was a teenager that I wanted to breastfeed, and that’s kind of funny since I had no example of a breastfeeding tradition in our family. When we announced…
Read MoreFamily Dynamics
I always thought, silly me, that getting older meant I would be wiser, that life would get easier, and that family dynamics with my children and their partners would be a breeze. It’s been a bit of a shock over the last 15 years, as children have left home, that this is not my reality.…
Read MoreIt’s Beyond My Control
There are many things that are beyond my control. In my younger years I believed I had a major impact on just about everything. It’s taken hitting ‘middle-age’ and having seven children to make me understand that I really have only a minimal ability to influence and almost no power to control anything beyond myself.…
Read MoreJust a Bad Memory
This is a subject that is near and dear to my heart. Many years ago, 24 to be precise, I had just given birth to baby #4. He was a delightful, easy baby, but life was stressful. I was doing my best to breastfeed, run a business, keep the household running, volunteer at school, and fulfill…
Read MoreChristmas Isabelle
Grandbaby #6 has arrived. Little Isabelle was born at home earlier this month to a mom who is a die-hard breastfeeder and a dad (Son #2) who adores his children and his wife. It’s such a delight to see this little family blossoming. Isabelle is their fourth baby. Isabelle’s mom faced some pretty huge challenges…
Read MoreBaby Blanket #7
Most people who meet me for the first time don’t believe I’m old enough to have grandchildren. Fact of the matter is – I am. We welcomed our sixth grandchild in November, and not a week later got the announcement that another one is on the way in July. So come July, we’ll have as…
Read MoreJust Yesterday
Today is the first day of school here in Calgary. BabyGirl is in grade 11. She’s already talking about her grad next year – what her dress will be like (on a budget, of course) and how she’ll do her hair. It does no good to try to pull her back to the here and…
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